A concrete action plan has been launched following the previously published response of the Executive Board. Our approach to racism and discrimination is one of shared responsibility and coalition formation, because we can only overcome racism if the whole RUAS community is involved and working together.
The action plan includes eight main themes. Some of them have a long lead time, some will be realised or activated in the autumn.
The action plan describes which actions will take place per theme, what the intended time frame is and which member of the Executive Board or director or supervisor is the driving force of the theme and responsible for the implementation of related actions.
The themes in detail
Continuing to have an open, engaged conversation about racism forms the heart of our approach. This will take shape in an online inspiration platform that will start after the summer. The same applies to making the reporting structure more visible as well as the confidential counsellors that students and staff can turn to. It will also be investigated how we at RUAS can avoid unintentional prejudice in our internal and external communication. In addition, specific themes focus on more diversity in our strategic personnel policy, such as launching a traineeship aimed at talents among the student population and alumni. Other important themes include the use and sharing of insights from practice-based research on racism. Finally, at the end of the year, we will set up a committee that will advise on how RUAS can incorporate diversity (and the fight against racism and discrimination) into the curricula.
Join, engage, and discuss at our discussion tables
To build the coalition we need students and staff to be connected. To this end, the discussion tables will be an active element. In the coming academic year, several discussion tables will take place, on each of the identified themes, with a different question each time. Please join the discussion, contribute, and get involved. There is also room for staff and student initiatives. Do use the discussion tables to contribute your ideas. By actively involving as many people as possible, we hope to build a coalition against racism and discrimination, and for inclusion.
Click Action Plan Racism for the action plan.