Wednesday, April 19 2017, the foundation Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam awarded the Henri Winkelman Award for the fifth time during the annual Creating Pioneers' Dinner. This jubilee edition, organised by Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA), was once again an evening full of creative, innovative entrepreneurship and cooperation.
Eight alumni with six companies were nominated. Pioneer Remty Elenga received the award - a cheque worth € 10.000 - for her studio REM atelier, from a professional jury, chaired by Emily Ansenk (director of Kunsthal).
The jury was impressed by all participants and the winner in particular:
"The world is changing quickly and some branches even faster than others. A lot of research shows that there are other or new skills needed for this. The World Economic Forum published a list of skills for 2020. Check out the top three below:
1. Complex problem solving
2. Critical thinking
3. CreativityAccording to the jury, the eight talented nominees possess these skills and are therefore very important for the future of Rotterdam and the world.
The jury sees a Rotterdam design / artist duo with a sharp vision in which the symbiosis between artistic and business is immediately visible and tangible. The work of REM atelier features research of everyday objects that results in creating of playful spatial awareness. The jury was particularly keen on the development of the Plant Growing Plants Indoors Plant to Botanic Wall - one custom-made item for retail and catering industry. The jury is curious about the next step in their practice, what comes after? "
You can read the complete jury report here (in Dutch only)
Nominees Henri Winkelman Award 2017
Fruitleather, Koen Meerkerk and Hugo de Boon, Spatial Design, 2016
Nazif Lopulissa, Illustration, 2016
Studio Nienke Hoogvliet, Nienke Hoogvliet, Lifestyle & Design, 2013
REM atelier, Remty Elenga, Fine Art, 2012
Stacii Samidin, Photography, 2014
Studio Bureau, Frans van Ditzhuijzen and Thijs van Dalen, Graphic Design, 2014
Jury 2017
Emily Ansenk, jury chairman (director Kunsthal)
Marcus Vlaar (Ranj)
Con Schoenmakers (Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam)
Myrna van de Water (manager marketing and communication WdKA)- Secretary without voting rights
Photography Menno Boer