In the final quarter of 2018, the Municipality of Rotterdam, Stadswonen and the Erasmus Sustainability Hub have initiated a contest for students, inviting them to come up with the city’s most circular solution. The winners of the Circular Student Award 2018, our own Dora Varga and Lotte Gerick (Zero-Waste Meal concept) will get the opportunity to realise the idea while enlarging own network/circle in the process.
"We are Dora Varga (Graphic Design) and Lotte Gerick (RASL: Graphic Design and International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies). After working on the project about the visualisation of our waste using data design, Dora became inspired to work on changing her behaviour concerning her ecological footprint and decreasing of waste. Seeing this, Dora's friend Lotte became excited about it as well. We have come up with the system that is changing because your surroundings are changing, which was the starting point of our concept: Zero-Waste Meal!"
Our concept:
Most of the time we only adapt to changes if we see people close to us change. Lotte, for example, would have never adopted this zero-waste principle, was she not influenced by Dora. With their Zero-Waste meal principle, Dora and Lotte try to promote awareness right from the start. Students do grocery shopping together and cook together all the time, so why not try to make this into a challenge for the good of Planet Earth? The goal is to make one Zero-Waste meal with your friends and share this with the hashtag #zerowastemeal. By using a team of representatives, Dora and Lotte try to create the action-reaction effect which enables us to achieve as many students as possible. They hope that this challenge will be a starting point for students to do groceries in a more conscious way, and thus introduce them to the zero-waste principle.