Did you know that forests have networks below ground that function much like our internet does?
Within my work, I try to capture the beauty and infinite complexity of the natural world and networks and landscapes found in them, which we are unable to see with the naked eye or which are outside of our hearing range. We live in an age of overpopulation and mass destruction. It is therefore extremely important to take root again in the soil from which we once evolved.
My name is Kaylee Bos and I recently graduated from Fine Art & Design. Through contemporary art and music, I hope to contribute to finding our roots again, by giving a face and a voice to those unseen landscapes and networks. In my visual work, I convert data from the natural world – like the sound from a winter storm, insects or water flowing inside trees – into analogue visual abstract landscapes and networks. I dedicate my graduation project and future practice to displaying these ‘Unseen’ wonders with which I hope to inspire others to rethink their actions and reconnect planet earth so that we as a species may one day take better care of Her.
As a physical exhibition is impossible today due to the global corona crisis, I am bringing the exhibition to you. All you need are simple VR glasses, a smartphone and headphones to experience my work as if you’re standing in it. (Yes, you can visit my graduation exhibition in the comfort of your home!)
This VR video has been created in cooperation with Dr. Sybren A. Stüvel, Andreas Goralczyk, Dr. Ork de Rooij and Benno Nieuwstraten.
For the artist's portfolio, go to kayleebos.com (launch in August 2020)