Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (voltijd)

U bevraagt Fabienne (You Enquire Fabienne)

Fabienne Hendriks
Practice Autonomous Practices
Project The Power of Philosophy (Erasmus University)
Major Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving (voltijd)
Year Fourth Year

Nomination: Drempelprijs 2018

The teacher’s visual appearance is considered to be a starting point for the research of the relationship between student and teacher.

In this installation, one can see the key elements of this research. It consists of clothing items, a table, two chairs and a publication. The clothing items that are shown in U BEVRAAGT Fabienne are worn by Fabienne herself during her art classes at a secondary school at the Southside of Rotterdam. Fabienne adapted her visual appearance weekly, based on interactions with her students.


In order to reflect on these interactions, the choice is made for a literary publication which is an interview between U and Fabienne herself. The interviewer is called U, which is the abbreviation of Uiterlijke Verschijning (Visual Appearance), being the actual entity of the visual appearance of Fabienne.

This process made her realize that every visual appearance has its own unique effect on the relationship with students. In order to recognize the importance of human interaction with the public, the choice was made for a performative element in the artwork.