Nominee: Henri Winkelman Award 2019
On 29th of May 2019, the annual award show of the Henri Winkelman Award will take place at the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA). The Henri Winkelman Award has been created seven years ago by the Stichting Ondernermersbelangen Rotterdam. This foundation supports young innovative entrepreneurs on their way with two incentive prices of € 10,000 and € 5000.
Assignment: Develop a project for the next economy of Rotterdam on a street level.
Plasticiet is a local initiative using plastic waste as a precious material source that will be the foundation of the next micro-economy in Rotterdam. We transform profoundly useless waste into beautiful man-made marble material, showing the potential of a globally discarded material. The production process requires a fine combination of true craftsmanship and industrial processes. Plasticiet is currently in the process of gathering funds to open a factory in the summer of 2017.
Photography by: Yvette de Wit
We transform profoundly useless waste into beautiful man-made marble material.
Assignment: Design a product using linoleum from the Forbo flooring company, thus helping the company’s reputation to grow, and exhibit this product during the Dutch Design Week.
Every year, 300 million shoes end up in landfills in North America alone, with soles containing materials that can remain in the ground for more than a thousand years. This is why Marten Middel designed a shoe with an interchangeable sole. The project involves research in compostable materials and a collaboration with the Forbo flooring company.