WdKA students participate in Beyond DADA and De Stijl Part II exhibition from July 22nd till September 22nd, 2018 Museum Dr8888.
Beyond DADA and De Stijl Part II exhibition
July 22nd - September 22nd, 2018
Museum Dr8888
The exhibition makes it clear that the Dada spirit is still alive and kicking.
The exhibition "Beyond Dada and De Stijl Part II" displays a representative group of artists who have been inspired over the years by Dada artists, Kurt Schwitters, Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray among others. The emphasis is placed on the legacy of the historic Dada movement. Dadaism is a good example of an art movement that made a statement by making stuff. Existing values and standards were renounced - the Dadaists wanted an unrestrained creative freedom.
Which artists are being inspired by Dada? The youngest generation is represented by the work of students of Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Guest curator of this part of the exhibition is Renate Boere, this exhibition has first taken place within the WdKA walls, subsequently moving to Dr888. The work was created by students during the WdKA elective by the same name, taught by Renate Boere.
Learning by doing is an important part of the art and design process
Participating (WdKA) artists:
Cee Treffers, Amy-Jane Afrane, Alice Colvin Cousley, Steph Bayes, Linda Stretton, Fela Walvisch, Julia Nap, Lysanne Safi, Liselot Cobelens, Kahraman Cinar, Max Morel, Emily Roberts-Allen, Sander Coers, Salvatore Akrum, Sacha Rupert, Lucas Theunisse, Hannah van den Elzen, Katta Rascha, Joke van Driel, Kee van der Meer, Lotte Rijndorp, Juliëtte Klootwijk, Romi Terlouw, Zoë Kiani.
Keep an eye on this page for the images from the exhibition.