Nina Maissouradze: "My drawings represent my fascination for people and their peculiarities. I want to collect people, expose them and show their imperfections. I am an illustrator, teacher and performer with Buro Rococo. Studied illustration at Artez Zwolle and have worked for Parool, Vrij Nederland, Onderwijsblad. I have also performed with my drawing acts on Pukkelpop, Oerol, Zwarte Cross and more."
What is your branch of knowledge, subject?
Tutor at WdKA's Illustration major.
What is your source of inspiration?
I love to observe people in all their beauty and ugliness. Our weirdness can be funny at times and also moving and comforting.
What defines you as a tutor? Your strongest points?
My goal is to make students play, enjoy the process of discovering and making stories.
What is your dream/goal as a tutor?
To connect and ignite passion.
Name one item from your bucket list?
To draw a book, based on stories about my grandmother.
Our weirdness can be funny at times and also moving and comforting.