Kirsten Eerland is a researcher in trends, consumer attitudes and futures. Therefore, she is always looking for signs of change.
She worked in a commercial field of trend research, consumer insights and consultancy, applying her knowledge and skills for different companies in design, fashion and consumer electronics. With a bachelor in Fashion Branding (AMFI) and a Master in Design Cultures (VU University) she grounded herself in theory that is balancing on the corner edges of arts, sociology, philosophy, futures studies and design history with a focus on branding and forecasting futures in the commercial field. Kirsten has worked for several trend agencies in the Netherlands and the United States. Her passion is looking at the world and observing consumer behaviour as well as the new creative entrepreneurship surrounding her. Teaching about trend forecasting and research has been a passion for more than four years.
I just love to help students find their inner spark.
What is your branch of knowledge, subject?
Commercial Practices, Practice Coordinator & Theory Teacher
What inspires you?
While growing up I discovered my view of the world was different from most people. I have such a burning curiosity, that once I become fascinated by something, I just need to research and know everything about it. That can be the weirdest or the most random stuff. Furthermore, the world itself and all the possibilities in this universe inspire me. The waves of change are the only constant in this life and it is remarkable how society in history and in the now reacts to this constant. I love to observe how consumers behave, how innovations are brought to life and how creative entrepreneurship is evolving around me. This fascination (and inspiration) is the foundation for my creative insight, my vision about our ever-changing world and my imaginations of the new futures.
What defines you as a tutor? Your strongest points?
Sharing the knowledge of my passion and my inner drive from my heart to awaken students' curiosity.
What is your dream/goal as a tutor?
I just love to help students find their inner spark.
Name one item from your bucket list?
Becoming a skilled surfer and buying a lilac longboard with a mermaid drawing.
Whom would you call true innovator?
As I am writing this on International Women’s Day and as a true believer in the power of sisterhood, I believe that all women in the world are true pioneers. The power of sisterhood, where girls support girls, is about the solidarity of women based on shared concerns, experiences and conditions. To quote Elizabeth Gilbert: “The women whom I love and admire for their strength and grace did not get that way because shit worked. They got that way because shit went wrong and they handled it. They handled it in a thousand different ways.” They handled it, no matter what and that is exactly what makes them true pioneers.