WdKA x

Exchange and Collaboration Is Key

Forbo Flooring Systems Nederland
Sat 29 Apr

How did Forbo come in contact with WdKA?

During a tour in our linoleum factory for a group of design students I met Lise Levebre. I discussed with her my idea for a collaboration project with design students. Lise advised me to approach the WDK and introduced me to Frederike Top.

Marijke Griffioen

Senior Designer Concept and Trend, Forbo

In what form does Forbo collaborate with WdKA?

In 2015 our first student challenge was launched with the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. In total twelve students of the WdKA Product Design department were challenged to look beyond the usual applications of our Bulletin board and Desktop linoleum. Guided by two design professionals the students experimented during three months with our furniture materials.

What would you name a success in this collaboration?

The way the course was set up proved to be very successful for us. The aim of this initiative was to inspire both our existing customers as well to promote our furniture material among potential new users. The final prototypes, ranging from out of the box new applications to more practical translations were very inspiring and connected to both our target groups. Also the way the prototypes were executed was very convincing and some of them beautifully crafted.

What or who does inspire you?

Personally I am inspired by young minds and dedicated teachers.

Whom would you call a creating pioneer?

In my vision it could be someone who challenges the audience/receiver/user with daring ideas, which are strongly connected to current needs in our society of today and which offer fresh perspectives.

WdKA students are different yes or no? Why?

I believe in the individual quality of an art/design student. Depending on the right context this will become tangible. A good chemistry between the student and teacher is needed to ignite the creative process but often students learn even more from their fellow students. Exchange and collaboration is key. Opportunities for this to happen have to be catered by the school. WDK seems to be such an institute.