
NeuLab, a Different Learning Environment

Willem de Kooning Academy
Tue 28 May
Created with Snap

In May-September 2019 Het Nieuwe Instituut and Willem de Kooning Academy present and invite you for:

Neuhaus-NeuLab Expo and Activities

From 19 May, during the course of four months, Het Nieuwe Instituut will host Neuhaus, a temporary and transdisciplinary academy for more-than-human knowledge. Neuhaus reacts to the current era's planetary burnout with a multifaceted curriculum in the spirit of the Bauhaus.

Within Neuhaus, the Willem de Kooning Academy has intensively collaborated with the Education Department of Het Nieuwe Instituut to facilitate a different learning environment: NeuLab.

Within Neulab visitors and students will be able to work with more than human knowledge. In a lab setting, you are able to explore and investigate your relationship with plants, animals, things, machines and AI. NeuLab is a do-it-yourself activity – a workspace, by doing and making the relationships are examined and experienced. Which experiments help us to reconstruct and re-imagine the world? For more info read further here.

As a student/tutor of the WdKA you can participate in the following (educational) activities:

  • Guided Free Tours NEUHAUS and NeuLab:

Wednesday, 12 June 15:00 - 16:30
Thursday, 20 June 11:00 - 12:30
Thursday, 27 June  15:30 - 17:00

Please register via mywdka

  • Presentation "The Making of NeuLab"

Thursday, 13 June 15:00 – 17:00
Research Station, Willem de Kooning Academy

In this conversation, we will present and discuss how NeuLab came about, what ideas were behind this collaboration, and the results. A discussion will follow the presentation, asking what it would mean for the WdKA Stations to collaborate with more than human knowledge?
Read more here.

  • Workshops

Get introduced to the design practices of thinkers, makers and designers. They challenge us to take a critical look at the world around us, share the technical knowledge and their working methods. The workshops are related to the current Neuhaus programme at Het Nieuwe Instituut:

Workshop by World Wilder Lab
Thursday, 13 June 19:30 - 21:30 at Het Nieuwe Instituut
Fee 3,75 euro. For further details, visit HNI website

Workshop by Arthur Boer & Boris Smeenk
Thursday, 27 June 19:30- 21:30 at Het Nieuwe Instituut
Fee 3,75 euro. For further details, visit HNI website

Credits: The NeuLab edition is created together with alumni, students and tutors of the WdKA: Aldje van Meer, Franciska Wierenga, RNUL (Aart Muis, Rob Donkers), World Wider Web (Erik Overmeire, Kasia Molga), Hackers&Designers (Anja Groten), Arthur Boer & Boris Smeenk.