
Minor programmes/ presentations 2020

Dec 14 2020 Dec 20 2020

During the last weeks of December, our fourth-year students will conclude their Minor programmes with a number of online presentations. Everyone is more than welcome to join their events, start a conversation and get inspired by the work of our fourth year students.

A full overview of all presentations sorted by date. The list will be updated during the week with more events.
Keep an eye on this page.

December 14

Autonomous Practices
Minor: Hacking

December 14, 2020 14:00 - 16:00 hrs

You are invited to watch the presentations of the Minor Hacking. Monday December  14 they will live stream their presentation through YouTube.
See what our fourth year students, from all different bachelor courses, have been working over the past half year.
Learn more about their projects on hackvid.nl

Hacking is finding applications that were not intended by the creator of a system. In a society that is dominated by expanding systems that increasingly determine our way of life, hacking is about countering these systems in order to bring them back to a personal level.

Check out their work through a livestream on YouTube, from 14:00 tot 16:00 hrs. More info will follow soon!



December 16

Social Practices
Minor New Earth

WdKA’s minor New Earth invites you to see their online interdisciplinary exhibition! In this minor, 19 students have been fabulating and speculating about the future of the earth. The five projects are connected  by Donna Haraway’s practice of string figuring: giving and receiving patterns, dropping threads, and failing but sometimes finding something that works. In this minor, the students worked out fresh perspectives on the future and climate change by connecting the seemingly unconnected.
You can follow the event online via the live stream on the December 16th from 17.30 until 19.30. For more details you can visit the event’s Facebook page: https://fb.me/e/55prR1Pet Come find out what they have discovered in the web of information surrounding the topics of New Earth. Follow the thread and discover where it leads...


December 16

Autonomous Practices
Minor Digital Craft

More information will follow soon.

December 17 

Autonomous Practices
Critical Studies

Critical Studies 2020/2021 was undeniably different from any other year. Unless the mostly virtual representation we managed to get inspired and work on the following projects. We, a group of eleven, have found each other in the overarching theme of care, living, loving and belonging. Since we consider ourselves – almost – graduates we are presenting our work respectfully under the name Hidden Curriculum. This defines as transmission of norms, values, and beliefs conveyed in the classroom. The represented projects cover subjects like happiness, family, death, (queer)representation, physical contact and the deadline of earth. Due to the current situation we exhibit our work solely virtual through the WdKA Instagram. To get more information about us or one of our projects we invited you to get in contact on our personal channels.


Social Practices
Minor Cultural Diversity

Embodied Knowledge is a digital space exhibition created by the students of the Minor ‘Cultural Diversity’ at Willem de Kooning. Each and every student of the Cultural Diversity class of 2020 has taken the time to look within themselves. Their own position, the way they view the world or certain aspects or traumas. Each and every one of us took the time to reflect upon their own embodied knowledge. All wondering around where our own embodied knowledge would bring us, how it impacts us and how we produce that knowledge to others. In this space we share the results of research based on knowledge, theory and experiences, questioning ourselves and the position we have in society.

Thursday December 17, 16:30 hrs.
More info: https://cultural-diversity-class.hotglue.me/