What is your occupation now?
I am working as a director at Korrel Film, a film production company based in Rotterdam. For the post-production of my graduation film I have collaborated with them, it went so well that I never left! During the past months, amongst others, I have been working on creating the video content for the Codarts World Music Department. Also, I am working on my own new documentary.
You graduated from Spatial Design… with a movie. How did that work?
Well… that was not easy, to begin with. As a Spatial Design student, I made a decision to graduate from the department of Audiovisual Design, where I was a complete stranger. Because I saw my future in filmmaking, I was persistent. However, it took a lot of effort; many emails, phone calls, a lot of convincing and being patient. My own department (Spatial Design) was supportive of this transfer. In the end, I got accepted at the Audiovisual Design department, where I met new students and teachers who helped me to graduate with my first documentary.
Jury Drempelprijs 2018, Social Practices about the winning project: "The choice to make a film was not an obvious one. Marieke is educated to be a spatial designer, but has made a film for her graduation project and chose to follow her own path. With this Marieke shows that she can look across the boundaries of disciplines and take the story she wants to tell as a starting point. Marieke also shows this transcending quality in earlier work, in which she uses audio to discuss the politically loaded theme of feeling at home."
Graduation Project: Now or Never Again
Now or never again. My goal with this film is to create urgency for the here and now. Specifically, to declare your appreciation to the ones you love, now or whenever it is possible.
August 6, 2010, is the date of when my older sister Brechje had committed suicide. At her funeral, I spoke to her. Strange, I thought, to talk to someone who was not there anymore. I told my sister what she meant to me and how important she was to me. I felt grief, frustration and helplessness because I realised I was too late.
What did you gain from your study at WdKA?
A LOT! The most important thing was that Willem de Kooning Academy offered me tools to discover my own passions and the subjects I wanted to explore and make films about.
Favourite WdKA memory?
The moments you get all the time and freedom to explore your own path are the ones to cherish. For me, this was the moment I got the possibility to do my third year all over again. I had passed all my exams within Spatial Design major, however, at the same time, I had realised I wanted to try myself in documentary making. When I discussed this with my study career coach, she had suggested taking an extra year to freestyle and discover. And during that year, my love for directing documentaries was born. I am very grateful for receiving this opportunity.
You never leave your house without…?
Breakfast. When I wake up, I am immediately hungry. No matter if it is 5 am or 10 am. Without my breakfast (mostly oats with apples and dates) I would collapse and would serve no purpose.
What is the future of your profession in your opinion?
I think the interest in documentaries is increasing. In a world run by quick media, fake news and information overload, people prefer seeing a topic being profoundly explored in a cinematographic way. It is not about the information alone, but about a piece of artwork that supports it, this appeals to people. When my documentary Now or Never Again had been released, I saw how powerful an image and sound message could be. This makes documentary making something I want to keep on delving into.
Any words of advice for future students?
Just do it! Do whatever you think and feel is important. People walk around with millions of unrealised ideas in their heads because they might think they are not worth it. Which is a shame, because the world is craving for innovative ideas. I see myself not as a big thinker, more a woman of action. If an idea sparkles inside my head, I immediately start looking for ways to make it happen. WdKA is the perfect place for this kind of attitude! You can come up with the most wicked and crazy idea and eventually find out there are ways to make it happen!
Future plans and hopes.
I have just returned from India, where I was shooting material for my new documentary. We have been following the life of a priest within his diocese. He has a special connection with my grandparents for over 40 years. My plan is to make a touching documentary about this small story, aiming to be valuable within the larger context of development work. After that I will continue working on the Wildcard project I have received after winning the Filmfonds Documentary Wildcard with my graduation film Now or Never Again.